ICE Resin Is Discontinued. What’s Your Alternative?

Alternatives to ICE resinHey there, resin artists. If you’re a fan of ICE resin, I’m afraid I’ve got bad news for you. Ranger Ink, the parent company of ICE resin, has discontinued the epoxy. There’s been no public announcement, but as an authorized retailer of ICE resin, we received official word this week.

What does that mean right away?

If you are a die-hard of the brand, you need to get more now. Unfortunately, we can’t buy any more ICE resin from Ranger as their stock has run out.

BUT, don’t go crazy and buy a bunch of clear epoxy resin you can’t use within the next six months. All resins turn yellow, and you don’t want to be stuck with outdated resin that doesn’t cure.

What can you use instead of ICE resin?

Well, let me tell you. Resin Obsession has two alternatives to ICE resin that will work nicely with your crafting adventures.

Now I know what you’re thinking…

You’re just trying to make a sale. Why should we believe you?

Because I’m not some soulless corporation trying to sell you crap to make a buck. I’m a resin artist too. I know what it’s like to finally fall in love with a resin and the art it helps you make only to have it taken away. You deserve the best epoxy resins to help you create something amazing.

Alternative #1: MAS Art Pro Doming Resin

This epoxy is perfect for getting beautiful, tall domes on your bezel jewelry. Plus, it releases bubbles easily. One pass of a heat gun, and you will see those bubbles vanish. You’ll love that it:

*cures harder
*has a longer working time
*dries faster

when compared to ICE resin.

It comes in sizes from 1/2 gallon up to two-gallon epoxy kits.


Here are photo resin pendants made with the crystal doming resin:

photo resin pendants

Alternative #2: Amazing Clear Cast Super Clear Resin

If you’ve been using ICE resin in molds, then you’re going to love the super clear resin. Unlike ICE resin, the super clear resin is formulated for molds. Your jewelry won’t finish with teeny tiny bubbles. You’ll love having crystal clear resin pendants, bracelets, and earrings. Besides, it

*cures hard (no bendy jewelry with this epoxy)
*cures quickly (in as soon as 12 hours)
*cures crystal-clear (no more club soda bubbles)


Here’s a button pendant I made with the super clear resin.


So, I’ve been getting ICE resin from [insert big box retailer name here]. Why should I buy epoxy from Resin Obsession?

I’ve got a few reasons.

✅ You’ll get support from a real resin artist. Not some stock clerk who happens to be walking by the resin aisle when you need help.

✅ I’m a maniac about making sure you have the freshest product available. That means we make our clear epoxy resin kits in small batches.

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13 thoughts on “ICE Resin Is Discontinued. What’s Your Alternative?

  1. Why do you keep showing pics of kool Hotmail bezel pendants?
    I can’t find that you sell those bezels, but would love to make a few pendants with that look.

    Can you help?


  2. Did ranger even make an announcement about this? I had to find out by discovering it was out of stock already! Honestly I’ve felt like ice resin was doomed as soon as Ranger bought it, it just doesn’t fit with their business and other products at all. I’ve been trying other resins since then, but haven’t tried these yet.
    Is it know if their tints and glitters being discontinued also? Will Ice Resin brand tints work in the resins in this article?

    1. Hi Sarah, I’m afraid Ranger is discontinuing all the products, including the tints. The good news is that the ICE tints work well with the Resin Obsession resins.

  3. Don’t you just love word substitution.
    What I said in my earlier message was “hobnail bezels”.
    Do you sell those or just picture them?


  4. Rangers Iced Enamels works with other resins, which is great. But I also liked using them with the Iced Enamels Medium—which is no longer available. Any alternatives you can think of? I’m sure on paper, any medium would suffice, but what about using them on metal? Thank you for your time.

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