Resin For Flowers: The SECRETS You Need To Know

how to choose a resin for flowersWhen I think of things that are perfect together, a few come to mind instantly. Blake Lively and Ryan Reynolds. Peanut butter and chocolate. Sandals and a fresh pedicure. But for my resin nerds, that answer is resin and flowers.

Chances are you want to preserve flowers from a very special and personal moment. Like a wedding. Or a funeral. Maybe even a birthday.

You want to create a piece of epoxy art that will forever capture the emotion of a moment. Yes, your flowers are beautiful, but it’s the feeling you really want to preserve. The flowers wouldn’t be anything if you didn’t feel the tear and the smile behind them.

adding epoxy to preserve flowers

Now, if you’re like other crafters I’ve coached, you’re thinking any clear epoxy resin is like any other clear epoxy resin. Like pick one, and everything will be fine.

Resin is NOT like a box of chocolates. Some of you will be thrilled with your choice, and others will look for the nearest trashcan.

Or my personal favorite, shove your finger in the back, and if it’s coconut, put the chocolate back in the tray for the next person.

Have you given any thought to what you’re going to make with the resin and flowers?

When I’m helping artists choose a resin for flowers, they often focus on the flowers instead of what they’re going to make with the flowers.

You wouldn’t buy shoes before knowing if you need them for the sand or the snow.

Buying resin for flowers isn’t any different.

clear epoxy resin flower vase

There isn’t a best resin just for flowers.

If you want to craft something that gives you a wistful sigh when you look at it, you’ve got to know what you’re going to make with your flowers. Then, choose the resin.

Not only will you love your final project, but you might also find out that resin is your next obsession too.

Okay.  I see your blank stare.  I see your overwhelm.  I see your hesitation.

Don’t worry. I’m still here. And I’m going to help you choose the best resin for YOUR flowers.

You need to know whether you need resin to fill a mold or coat a surface.

If you’re using flowers in a mold, you need to fill it with casting resin.

These resins mix in a thin consistency, allowing them to release bubbles quickly. Trust me when I say this is pretty important. Flowers trap bubbles between petals that release once they’re soaked with resin. You want bubbles to come to the resin surface easily so you can annihilate them. And avoid something that looks like it should be in a cocktail glass with a twist of lime.

If your flowers only need a coating of resin, you want to use a doming resin.

This resin formula mixes thick, like syrup, and gives an even, glossy coating. It’s perfect for ensuring your flowers get a thick, glass-like layer. Dipping flowers in resin? This is the formula you want to use.

Let’s recap.

When choosing the best resin for flowers, you need to know whether you’re filling a mold or coating a surface.

If you haven’t decided what you want to do with your flowers yet, here’s an idea on how to preserve flowers in resin.

Now, let’s move on to picking a specific resin formula that’s best for your flowers and resin project.

Before I do, though, I want to talk about the 800-pound elephant in the room.

My recommendations cost more than what you’ll find in other stores. (Especially that one that helps fund some dude and his enormous ego into space.)

Suppose you’re playing around and don’t really care about your results. Or, if you only plan on doing a flower and resin project one time, then you can get by with any resin. Of course, your flowers won’t be perfectly preserved, but perfect is overrated, yeah?

But, if you’re someone who wants to feel the emotion you feel when looking at these flowers— years from now—this next part is for you.

Best resin for flowers in small molds

Resin Obsession super clear resin

*Perfect for mold projects of 3 ounces or less
*The crystal-clear finish cures hard and durable. Your resin won’t get soft and bendy like with some other brands.

Best resin for flowers in thick pour molds

Resin Obsession deep pour epoxy

*Perfect for big mold projects of 3 ounces or more.
*The glass-like, durable finish cures crack-free

Best resin for coating flowers

Resin Obsession crystal doming resin

*Coats evenly with a thick formula that self-levels
*Plus, it magnifies what’s underneath, meaning you’ll appreciate your flowers’ details for years to come

What else makes these epoxy resins so awesome to use?

There are no mystery ingredients in these formulas because they’re all made in the USA. Nothing sourced from overseas that has who knows what in it.

You’ve got my 17 years of resin experience in the bottles. I collaborate with a team of chemists to bring you something I want to use. Plus, I’ve got a working knowledge of these resins. You don’t have to worry that some rando in a cubicle halfway around the world is working off a script to answer your questions.

There are no safer resins on the market. I’ve paid for independent, third-party, board-certified toxicologist reviews for these resins. They’ve all received the ASTM D-4246 designation, which means they are safe when used as directed. And if you decide not to buy Resin Obsession resins, please don’t use one without the ASTM D-4236 designation on the label. (Which is about 90% of the resins on the market.) Your health isn’t worth the risk.

Besides, we ship resin orders the same day if you order by noon ET.

What else should you know about choosing a resin for your flowers?

It’s crucial your flowers are dry and preserved. If they aren’t, they will change colors to something you will be disappointed to see. We got several resources on drying flowers for resin to get you going.

Hesitant to get started with resin?

I get it. You’ve only got one shot with your special flowers, and you want everything to go perfectly.

It’s why I wrote this beginner resin book. It’s the one I wish I had when I started with resin seventeen years ago. It would have saved me so much time and aggravation.

Buy the ebook now and get a download link to your email in minutes.

Unpublished Blog Posts of Resin Obsession, LLC © 2023 Resin Obsession, LLC

Like this post? You may be interested in  The Ultimate Epoxy Resin Buying Guide (Updated for 2024)

2 thoughts on “Resin For Flowers: The SECRETS You Need To Know

  1. What is the best consistency for a dip in resin jewelry. My resin and hardner mixture just slides right off my wire flower. I use 2:1 measurement

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